Em momentos de paixão podem acontecer acidentes. Colocar ou manusear a camisinha de forma errada, ou ainda com a data de validade vencida pode fazer com que rasgue ou saia durante o sexo. Não entre em pânico, mas siga essa recomendação.

- Converse com seu parceiro o mais rápido possível sobre fazer exame para DSTs.
- Você também pode conversar sobre contracepção de emergência com um profissional da área da saúde, se não estava protegida por outra forma de contraceptivo, como DIU de Cobre ou pílula.
- Fale com um profissional da área da saúde sobre profilaxia pós-exposição (PEP), tratamento "do dia seguinte" que pode prevenir a infecção por HIV, se você acha que poderia estar correndo algum risco.
- Não a transmita.
- Fique longe de qualquer contato sexual (vaginal, oral ou anal) com quem quer que seja até receber resultado negativo do exame para DSTs.
Yes. Condoms have been proven to provide protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, condoms are the only contraceptive method that also provides STI protection. Condoms provide different levels of risk reduction for different STIs because infections are spread differently — some are spread by contact with bodily fluids while others are spread by skin to skin contact. In general, research shows that condoms are most effective in preventing those STIs that are spread by bodily fluids, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. Condoms also can reduce the risk of contracting diseases spread by skin-to-skin contact, such as herpes and human papillomavirus (HPV). However, condoms only can protect against these diseases if the sores are in areas covered by the condom.
There are a range of tests performed by both regulatory agencies and the condom manufacturers. These include electronic testing, the water leak test, the air burst test and the strength test.
Check that the use-by date has not expired, that they carry a standards approval mark (either FDA, ISO, CE or the British Standard Kite Mark), and that they have been properly stored.
As with most barrier methods, it can take a bit of practice to use this method correctly. As long as you are clear on how to use them, you should get the hang of it.
Compared to modern hormonal methods, condoms are less reliable and effective in protecting against pregnancy but they are the only method that will protect against STIs, including HIV/AIDS.